
One of Hungary’s leading musical actresses, Lilla Polyák has shown her talent in numerous roles and is recognised by her peers and audiences for her career in theatre and as a renowned pop star.

After attaining her degree, she was offered various roles in theatres abroad. Returning to her home country, she left an indelible mark on the world of musicals in Hungary. Throughout her career, she has played in the most remarkable selection of musicals; audiences had the opportunity to see her perform in significant female roles such as Anna Karenina, Elisabeth, or Mary Poppins.

She regularly appears in Hungarian television programmes. From the autumn of 2019, for two seasons, she appeared on TV every evening in a series titled Mintaapák (Exemplary Fathers, a series loosely based on Sres. Papis). Her first solo album, featuring selected songs, was released in 2014 under the title Most és Mindörökké (Ever Ever After). So far, she has lent her voice to five audiobooks.

Polyák LIlla



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